Your weekly serving of expert, evidence-based health and nutrition advice. Leanne Ward is a world-renowned dietitian, nutritionist and health coach with over 10 years of nutrition experience and over 300000 followers on her Instagram (@the_fitness_dietitian) and 380000 on her TikTok (leanne_ward_nutrition). Leanne’s focus is gut health, emotional eating and sustainable fat loss. Leanne also interviews expert guests to give you the most accurate, up to date health and nutrition information available. Subscribe to never miss an episode.
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
64. Food for Fertility, with Dietitian Melanie McGrice (@MelanieMcGrice)
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Today's exert guest is Melanie McGrice, an advanced accredited practising dietitian with a special interest in fertility, pregnancy and infants.
Melanie runs the ‘Nourish with Melanie’ YouTube channel, the online dietary program ‘8 simple steps to a healthy pregnancy diet’ and is an ambassador for Compassion’s ‘Mum’s and Bub’s Nutrition Clinics’ with the Nutrition Plus team sponsoring one in Tanzania. For more info visit Melanie's website, Facebook or Instagram.
In this podcast, Melanie and I start off by talking about what good nutrition for fertility means and why it’s so important, what foods improve the quality of our eggs, foods to avoid when we’re trying to conceive and we hear Melanie’s thoughts on seed cycling.
We then talk a little about infertility and other things besides nutrition our listeners should be aware of, why the health and nutrition of males matter as much as the females, supplements worth taking when trying to conceive, how to overcome morning sickness, foods to focus on when pregnant, whether protein powders are safe to take and how new mums can increase their milk supply.
Finally, Melanie shares her wisdom on solids for babies and tips that mums can use when it comes to label reading and baby food.
Thank you to Protein Supplies Australia for their wonderful support on this podcast today. To check out their natural range of wholesome supplements with a great 15% off, please use the code "LWpodcast15" for 15% off here.
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If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Jul 06, 2020
63. Mind Over Maccas, with Neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart MD (@drtaraswart)
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
On today’s podcast, we have Dr Tara Swart, a neuroscientist, medical doctor, executive coach, senior lecturer at MIT Sloan, and author of bestseller ‘The Source - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life’.
Dr Tara and I are diving deep into the human brain and how to train it and harness its power! Dr Tara starts us off by telling us how she came to be working in the space of medicine and neuroscience and how understanding neuroscience, epigenetics and brain health can help us live more productive and happier lives.
We then chat about how we can optimise our overall health to assist our brain health and what a healthy brain pattern of eating is. We discuss lifestyle influencers on brain health such as sleep, meditation, gut health and how we can create long-lasting change with our habits. We talk about self-sabotage, a growth vs. fixed mindset, visualisation, manifestation and limiting beliefs.
You can find out more about Dr Tara on her website or follow her on Instagram @drtaraswart.
Thank you to Protein Supplies Australia for their wonderful support on this podcast today. To check out their natural range of wholesome supplements with a great 15% off, please use the code "LWpodcast15" for 15% off here.
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Today I chat meal prep 101 with Nicole Osinga, a Registered Dietitian practising in Canada who holds a bachelor and master’s degree in human nutrition. To her audience, Nicole is known as the plant-based meal prep expert. She believes in the power of plant-based foods to improve our health and well being. Nicole has also just published an e-book: The Plant-Based Meal Prep Master Plan, which is available on her website.
Today's episode starts with Nicole and I chatting about a plant-based lifestyle and its benefits. We talk about how Nicole first got into meal prepping, the priorities she places on meal prep for herself and her clients, where to start if you’re new to meal prepping, what not to do if you want to start meal prepping, how much time and money meal prep can save, how often you should meal prep, Nicole’s favourite meal prep recipes, her hacks to make food last longer, how long you can keep meal prep for, different plant-based alternatives to use in meal prep and, finally, her top tips for turning meat based recipes into plant-based ones.
Thank you to Protein Supplies Australia for their wonderful support on this podcast today. To check out their natural range of wholesome supplements with a great 15% off, please use the code "LWpodcast15" for 15% off here.
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Today's episode is devoted to naturopathy... But don't go activating your almonds or boiling your bone broth just yet, because today we are only dealing with EVIDENCE-BASED naturopathy backed by real scientific research.
And who better to cut through the naturopathy BS than today's expert guest, Herb Nerd, Reece Carter. Reece is a university qualified nutritionist and naturopath who has a thing for science and evidence, and has an aversion to all things activated and alkalising!
Reece's attitude to nutrition and naturopathy is BS free. He has a refreshing honest and evidenced based approach to cut through the noise and help his clients make sustainable and healthy changes long term. Reece is the author of two books, The Garden Apothecary and The Happy Gut. Reece also has an active audience of over 50,000 people across Instagram and Facebook, you can follow his Instagram account at @herbnerdreece.
In this episode Reece and I start by discussing the difference between nutritionists and naturopaths and what it means to be an evidenced-based practitioner. We then move into talking about gut health and why it’s so important. We chat about Reece’s nutrition recommendations for gut health and his herbal recommendations. We discuss bloating, sleep and stress relief and some herbs that may assist. We chat about eczema and helpful lotions that may be found in our medicine cabinets. Finally, we finish off by discussing herb gardens, teas and general healthy eating.
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If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Movies, TV, magazines and Instagram would have us believe that washboard, 8 pack abs are the holy grail of health and fitness. However, the reality is that our bodies (especially those of women) did not evolve to function properly with a very low body fat percentage. In the case of women, the level of energy restriction that is required to lower our body fat percentage to under 20% can have adverse effects on our reproductive systems and fertility, as well as a number of other aspects of our physiology.
Today I talk with Amy Giannotti, a dietitian from Melbourne and the director of Eating Fit. Amy specialises in eating disorders, disordered eating and has a special interest in helping people recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea (loss of period) after overcoming her own personal journey and struggles with the condition.
We start off by discussing what hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) is and how it’s diagnosed, what the long term health effects of HA are and compare it to RED-S syndrome. We then talk about how HA is linked to infertility, how you can recover from it and how food and nutrition is crucial for recovery. We discuss how long it takes on average for women to see their period’s returning and also what to do if you’re on birth control and may not be aware that you’ve lost your period.
This episode is a must listen to for all females, coaches and those working in the space of women’s health and weight loss. To learn more about Amy and her courses and coaching, head to her website and follow her on Instagram (@amyleegiannotti) or listen to her podcast, Healthy Life Redefined.
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Today I am chatting all things flexitarian diets with Anna and Alex, the smiling duo behind The Biting Truth (@thebitingtruth), who are both Accredited Practicing Dietitians and nutritionists based here in Australia.
On a typical day, you’ll find Anna and Alex delivering keynote sessions to some of their corporate clients, dressing up as “Pip” the pineapple with a group of kindergarten students or developing recipes for their brand partners on social media.
No matter which hat they wear, Anna and Alex always have a no-nonsense science based approach to nutrition. They have always been passionate about the environment and the benefits of eating more plants, which is why they adopt a Flexitarian approach to eating and have made it their mission to educate people about the benefits of a mostly plant based diet.
In today’s podcast, we start off by talking about what a flexitarian diet is and how it differs to a vegan or vegetarian diet. We then chat some of the health data and research on plant based diets, practical tips for you to transition over to a flexitarian way of eating, how to eat well on a budget, why whole foods matter when it comes to plant based eating, gut health and flexitarian diets and lastly, their tips for our listeners on long lasting health and change.
I am really excited to bring you guys this podcast today as I too am passionate about a mostly plant based approach to eating as this means you don’t have to entirely cut out animal products if you don’t want to. Don't forget to follow Anna and Alex on Instagram, at @thebitingtruth or at their website. Anna and Alex have generously provided a discount code (leanne15) for 15% off their new Flexitarian Guide and Cookbook.
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If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Today's episode is the second part of my myth busting chat with nutrition researcher, Alan Aragon. If you haven't tuned into part 1 (episode 57) yet, it is a MUST listen.
In case you haven’t heard of Alan Aragon, he is a nutrition researcher and educator with over 20 years of success in the field. He is known as one of the most influential figures in the fitness industry’s movement towards evidence-based information. Alan writes a monthly research review on his website providing cutting-edge theoretical and practical information and his work has been published in popular magazines as well as the peer-reviewed scientific literature. He co-authored Nutrient Timing Revisited, the most-viewed article in the history of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN). He also is the lead author of the ISSN Position Stand on Diets & Body Composition.
Alan maintains a private practice designing programs for recreational, Olympic, professional athletes and of course regular people striving to be their best. You can find Alan on his website and I highly recommend you follow his Instagram.
In today’s podcast (part 2), we start by discussing paleo and keto diets and their long-term success, we then talk about protein amounts for fat loss and muscle gain, how to lose fat and gain muscle mass simultaneously, we discuss dairy and “inflammation”, highly processed foods and flexible dieting, biohacking your health and finally, we discuss Alan’s tips for following credible people online.
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Bonus: If you use my own unique affiliate link, I’ll also send you my course on How to Grow and Scale on Instagram and How to Gain 100k Followers in 6 months on Tiktok. Both my courses alone are worth $228 and you’ll get them both FOR FREE as part of this epic business deal. Once you’ve purchased the Business Bundle, email me your order number so I can confirm you used my unique link and I will send you both my courses for free.
Remember guys the Business Bundle is a time sensitive offer, it’s gone 8 days after this podcast goes live so if you’re listening in time and want in on this EPIC business bundle, purchase via my unique link.
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Today's episode is part 1 of a 2 parter with (drum roll please...) Alan Aragon. Alan is an absolute legend in the field of nutrition science so I hope you guys are as excited as I am for today’s podcast. Seriously, stop the Googling, stop listening to your friends, family and celebrity chefs and get scientifically proven nutrition facts, with the evidence to back them up, straight from a leading nutrition researcher.
In case you haven’t heard of Alan Aragon, he is a nutrition researcher and educator with over 20 years of success in the field. He is known as one of the most influential figures in the fitness industry’s movement towards evidence-based information. Alan writes a monthly research review on his website providing cutting-edge theoretical and practical information and his work has been published in popular magazines as well as the peer-reviewed scientific literature. He co-authored Nutrient Timing Revisited, the most-viewed article in the history of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN). He also is the lead author of the ISSN Position Stand on Diets & Body Composition.
Alan maintains a private practice designing programs for recreational, Olympic, professional athletes and of course regular people striving to be their best. You can find Alan on his website and I highly recommend you follow his Instagram.
I've split my chat with Alan into 2 episodes because there is so much valuable content here and it’s basically two huge nutrition myth busting podcasts based on the latest research and science.
In today’s podcast (part 1), we start by discussing why nutrition in general is so confusing and why there are so many conflicting opinions. We look at the 'Blue Zones' and why no diet is better than another, we de-bunk some breakfast myths, talk about nutrient timing, damaged metabolisms, weight loss plateaus and fasting.
Check out my 3 Hour Evidence-Based Fat Loss Webinar
If you enjoy this podcast, I really encourage you to purchase my top rated, 3 hour Evidenced-Based Fat Loss Webinar. What Alan and I discuss in this podcast is just brushing the surface on the reasons you may not be able to lose weight or keep it off. In the webinar, I go into great detail about the following topics:
- fat loss data and statistics
- if you can really damage your metabolism and how to improve your metabolism
- energy balance
- how to reverse a plateau
- body composition goals
- body composition analysis
- how to calculate your calories
- how to calculate your macros
- flexible dieting and what you may be doing wrong
- diet breaks and reverse dieting
- foundations of fat loss science and the foundations of a healthy diet
- how to build fat burning meals
- red flags for dieting
- my own personal method
- 30 minute Q&A at the end to answer listener questions.
You can find this jam packed, top-rated webinar on my website for only $29AUD ($18USD).
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Tuesday May 19, 2020
56. Fuelling Your Gut (Part 2) with Dr Will Bulsiewicz
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Back on the podcast this week, we have gut health expert, Dr Will Bulsiewicz or Dr B as many of you know him by. If you haven’t checked out his earlier episodes on my podcast, go back and listen to episodes 9 & 13 with Dr B who is a double board certified gastroenterologist and doctor of internal medicine with 14 years as an MD helping his patients reverse symptoms of IBS, leaky gut, and other digestive issues.
In part 2 of this 2 part chat, we start by discussing artificial sweeteners and gut health, SIBO treatment, beating the bloat, whether a vegan keto diet is good for gut health, DNA microbiome testing, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar, when you should take probiotics, what to do if you don’t tolerate legumes well, which gut supplements are actually recommended, how to stop the smelly gas and finally, do you need to soak your oats and nuts?
To get in touch with Dr B:
Instagram: @theguthealthmd
Book: Fiber Fueled (due out May 12th 2020)
Don't miss my LIVE Evidence-Based Fat Loss Webinar
This Sunday, 24 May 2020 is my second LIVE webinar on evidenced-based fat loss and follows on from my first webinar about emotional, boredom, stress and non-hungry eating. If you want expert advice and to take a deeper dive into non-hungry eating or evidence-based fat loss, click the links below to check out my $29AUD webinars.
Evidence-Based Fat Loss Webinar - Live Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 9:00AM AEST and available on replay any time after that.
Emotional, Boredom, Stress and Non-Hungry Eating Webinar - held earlier this year and available on replay any time.
If you want to join me live for this Sunday’s webinar, make sure you purchase a ticket now so you can have the opportunity to ask me any questions in the live Q&A at the end of the webinars.
Please subscribe and leave me a review
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday May 11, 2020
55. Fuelling Your Gut (Part 1) with Dr Will Bulsiewicz
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Back on the podcast this week, we have gut health expert, Dr Will Bulsiewicz or Dr B as many of you know him by. If you haven’t checked out his earlier episodes on my podcast, go back and listen to episodes 9 & 13 with Dr B who is a double board certified gastroenterologist and doctor of internal medicine with 14 years as an MD helping his patients reverse symptoms of IBS, leaky gut, and other digestive issues.
In part 1 of this 2 part chat, we start by discussing why gut health is so important and new research in the areas of gut health and weight loss, mental health and time restricted eating. We then discuss autoimmune conditions and inflammation, leaky gut, low residue diets and stricturing, probiotics and prebiotics and finally the signs to look out for if you have an unhealthy gut. If you have any questions about gut health, be sure to tune into this podcast for the latest cutting-edge medical research on all things gut health!
To get in touch with Dr B:
Instagram: @theguthealthmd
Book: Fiber Fueled (due out May 12th 2020)
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!