Your weekly serving of expert, evidence-based health and nutrition advice. Leanne Ward is a world-renowned dietitian, nutritionist and health coach with over 10 years of nutrition experience and over 300000 followers on her Instagram (@the_fitness_dietitian) and 380000 on her TikTok (leanne_ward_nutrition). Leanne’s focus is gut health, emotional eating and sustainable fat loss. Leanne also interviews expert guests to give you the most accurate, up to date health and nutrition information available. Subscribe to never miss an episode.
Monday Feb 10, 2020
44. Your questions answered by Leanne! Q&A part 1
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Welcome to podcast number 44 and today is a special one, we are going to do a Q&A with myself! I get asked similar things all the time on social media so I put it to you guys on my Instagram stories to ask me some questions to answer on the podcast. I have chosen the top 7 questions I think would benefit so many of you and will be answering them today in a Q&A series! Now this is the first time I’ve done something like this so if you enjoy it, please be sure to leave me a review and let me know so I can do more in the future!
Today’s podcast is brought to you by my premium coaching program LEAN Gut Mind Method. In this busy world, women struggle to prioritise their health and they constantly find themselves frustrated with a lack of results. LEAN Gut Mind Method coaching service provides expertise, personalisation and an evidenced-based system of tools so that women find themselves empowered to live their best lives in a body that they choose.
If you’re a female who struggles with weight loss, emotional eating and poor gut health and you are ready to change once and for all, let me and my team help you! LEAN Gut Mind Method is the last nutrition program you will ever need to invest in and the FIRST program you will ever see LASTING results from. Let us show you the way! Apply for my premium 1:1 coaching program at
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Feb 03, 2020
43. How to Overcome Emotional Eating with Psychologist Glenn Mackintosh
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Welcome to podcast number 43 with Glenn Mackintosh. Glenn is a psychologist who is incredibly passionate about eating, physical activity, weight and body image. He is the author of the best-selling ‘Thinsanity: 7 Steps to transform your mindset and say goodbye to dieting forever’ (purchase here:, the founder of Weight Management Psychology and his public work has seen him feature as on-screen psychologist for Network 10's ‘The Biggest Loser: Transformed’. In today’s episode, Glenn and I chat about how to overcome emotional eating. We start by discussing the differences between emotional eating, binge eating and disordered eating and what’s required for a diagnosis and treatment plan. We then focus on emotional eating and the reasons we eat when we’re emotional/bored/stressed. We chat about why women “give in” to their cravings in the moment despite knowing better, why we self-sabotage our healthy eating habits, how we can re-train our brain, how to conquer the “I have no will-power” frame of mind and we hear Glenn's top tips for overcoming emotional eating. Follow Glenn on Instagram @glennmackintosh or contact him here:
Today’s podcast is brought to you by my very first Brisbane based women’s health and empowerment event ‘Empower, Nourish, Sustain’. I can’t wait to see you there on Sunday March 22nd in Brisbane but hurry, there are only 35 tickets left for the Empower, Nourish, Sustain event. 💫Pop on over to my website to purchase tickets.
Thank you for supporting my very first live event in Brisbane, I can't wait to meet you!
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
This week's podcast is part 2 of my discussion with advanced sports dietitian, Chloe McLeod. It is kindly brought to you by Future Farm Co, who aim to deliver plant-based foods to Australia and New Zealand, bringing the world’s best brands of plant-based food to your local store. You can find them on Instagram @futurefarmanz & on Facebook @futurefarmco or at their website:
While last week's talk with Chloe was focused on FODMAPs, sensitive stomachs, prebiotics and gut health (definitely check out part 1 (ep 41.) if you haven't already), this week's episode is focussed on Chloe's other passion: nutrition for sports and exercise. As an advanced sports dietitian, Chloe regularly works with elite athletes (including the Parramatta Eels National Rugby League squad), as well as regular weekend warriors, to help them achieve their nutrition and exercise goals. But don't worry, this podcast is packed with info, tips and tricks designed to help exercise enthusiasts no matter what their level of sporting prowess. We start off talking about how nutrition influences bowel movements during exercise and how to avoid upset stomachs. We talk tips and tricks for preventing stitches and Chloe tells us the secret nutrition hack that Olympic athletes use to help stop cramping. We talk dos and don'ts in the lead up to race day and discuss the best pre-workout foods. Finally, we talk about whether you should be exercising in a fuelled or fasted state.
So stop your Googling because these are the facts brought to you by the experts, no 'broscience' here, just evidenced based nutrition science, for FREE!
You can find Chloe on social media @chloe_mcleod_dietitian or @health_performance_collective or find her on her website:
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Welcome to today’s podcast with our expert guest, Chloe McLeod. It is kindly brought to you by Future Farm Co, who aim to deliver plant-based foods to Australia and New Zealand, bringing the world’s best brands of plant-based food to your local store. You can find them on Instagram @futurefarmanz & on Facebook @futurefarmco or at their website:
Now today’s special guest Chloe is an expert in gut health, food intolerances and sports nutrition. As an Advanced Sports Dietitian and Accredited Practising Dietitian, Chloe works with the Parramatta Eels National Rugby League squad, and co-owns nutrition consultancy, Health & Performance Collective. With over 10 years experience in the industry, Chloe’s expert knowledge provides a sought after ability to help her clients be their healthiest selves. With a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Flinders University and a Masters of Public Health at the University of Sydney, Chloe is passionate about helping individuals make positive changes to their lifestyle.
Chloe has created a world class; online course, The FODMAP Challenge helping individuals identify gut intolerance symptoms. I can’t wait for you guys to hear both of these podcasts with Chloe. In the first one, we will talk about FODMAPs, sensitive tummies, prebiotics and fuelling your gut for performance and in the second podcast, we discuss runners gut and other gut related exercise issues along with strategies for stitches and cramping. To check out Chloe's FODMAP Challenge, see here: You can find Chloe on social media @chloe_mcleod_dietitian or @health_performance_collective or find her on her website:
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Martin MacDonald is a clinical performance nutritionist, motivational speaker & educator. He holds an undergraduate and two postgraduates, one in clinical nutrition and one in sports nutrition. Martin is the CEO of the Mac-Nutrition Collective and founder of the MNU Certification, the UK’s first ever 12-month, evidence-based, vocational online nutrition course. Online, Martin's direct approach and entertaining content has attracted a very engaged following to whom he disseminates evidence-based nutritional information via his Instagram account, @martinnutrition and website,
In today’s podcast, we bust a bucket load of nutrition myths: “Weight loss is as easy as calories in and calories out”, “My metabolism is damaged, I can't lose weight”, “It's cheat day, I can eat what I want”, “broccoli has just as much protein as steak”, “...the Game Changers movie generally”, “dairy causes inflammation”, “artificial sweeteners cause insulin release”, “you should eat for your body type / blood type” and finally, we discuss how to find credible experts online.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Nutra Organics. One of my favourite Australian wholefood companies who provide a range of organic, honest, wholefood products to nourish you and your family. You can use the discount code they have kindly offered you guys which is 'LEANNE' for 15% of the range of whole food products and check them out at or on social media @nutraorganics.
We are back for part 2 of my interview with New York psychologist, Dr Rachel Goldman. Dr Rachel specialises in health and wellness, including health behaviour change, stress management, eating behaviours, obesity, bariatric surgery and weight management. She helps her clients achieve their health and wellness goals utilising cognitive behavioural therapy.
In this episode I chat with Dr Rachel about her tips relating to eating behaviour and dealing with stress eating. We discuss co-workers and family members who self-sabotage your progress, finding and maintaining motivation and how to set goals that you will actually achieve! We also talk about mindful eating and planning ahead when it comes to long term health. Finally, we end with a brilliant discussion about happiness and confidence plus how to recognise the signs of disordered eating. You can follow Dr Rachel on social media @drrachelnyc or visit her website Don’t forget to leave me a positive rating or review in your podcast app if you enjoyed the podcast and make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Nutra Organics. One of my favourite Australian wholefood companies who provide a range of organic, honest, wholefood products to nourish you and your family. You can use the discount code they have kindly offered you guys which is 'LEANNE' for 15% of the range of whole food products and check them out at or on social media @nutraorganics.
Today’s expert guest is the incredible Doctor Rachel Goldman who is a licensed psychologist practicing in New York City. She specialising in health and wellness, including health behaviour change, stress management, eating behaviours, obesity, bariatric surgery and weight management. She helps her clients achieve their health and wellness goals utilizing cognitive behavioural therapy. Dr. Rachel serves on many professional committees and thrives in the wellness community in New York where she can meet and bring like-minded individuals together to network, learn and facilitate behavioural changes that will promote healthier and happier lives. You can follow Dr Rachel on social media @drrachelnyc or visit her website Don’t forget to leave me a positive rating or review in your podcast app if you enjoyed the podcast and make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Nutra Organics. One of my favourite Australian wholefood companies who provide a range of organic, honest, wholefood products to nourish you and your family. You can use the discount code they have kindly offered you guys which is 'LEANNE' for 15% of the range of whole food products and check them out at or on social media @nutraorganics.
Back on the podcast today is our expert in female physiology Dr Stacy Sims. Famously known for her quote “women are not small men” Dr Sims is an exercise physiologist, nutrition scientist and Author of ROAR – a book dedicated to matching your food and fitness to your unique female physiology for optimum performance, great health and a strong lean body for life. The first podcast Dr Sims and I did together (number 36) focused on the female physiology, hormones, pills, PMS and training. Today’s podcast will focus on nutrition science for the unique female physiology. We talk about cravings during your period, protein, carb and fat recommendations, supplementation, protein powders, cycle syncing nutrition and tracking. Head on over to social media and give our guest a follow @drstacysims or head to her website to learn more:
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Nutra Organics. One of my favourite Australian wholefoods companies who provide a range of organic, honest, wholefood products to nourish you and your family. You can use the discount code they have kindly offered you guys which is 'LEANNE' for 15% of the range of whole food products and check them out at or on social media @nutraorganics.
Today’s expert guest is the one and only Dr Stacy Sims. Famously known for her quote “women are not small men” Dr Sims is an exercise physiologist, nutrition scientist and Author of ROAR – a book dedicated to matching your food and fitness to your unique female physiology for optimum performance, great health and a strong lean body for life. Dr Sims is currently a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Waikato where she is an applied researcher, innovator and entrepreneur in human performance, specifically sex differences in training, nutrition, and environmental conditions. Today’s podcast will focus on the female physiology and training and we will bring Dr Stacy back for a second podcast when we focus on nutrition science for the unique female physiology. Head on over to social media and give her a follow @drstacysims or head to her website to learn more:
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
35. Staying healthy during the festive season
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Today, instead of having an expert guest on my podcast, you guys get lil' old me! I will be your expert and I am addressing a topic I get a tonne of questions about (especially this time of year). The topic is eating during the festive season or, more generally, eating during holidays or for celebrations. How do we enjoy ourselves during these times, but also stay healthy? Today I'll teach you my secret that has worked for me for many years now and is an essential trick that helps me sustain my healthy lifestyle all year round. It’s called 10% better. Join me in this podcast and I will explain further.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me and share it in your Instagram stories and leave me a positive rating or review in the purple Apple Podcast app (in the rating & reviews section underneath the episode lists). This really helps my podcast get prioritised by Apple and helps me disseminate evidence based information to the people that need it the most! Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast so you never miss an episode!